The World’s First LED Lamp Recycler

Revolutionise your business with the LED1000 lamp recycling system


LED Light Bulbs

The World’s First LED Lamp Recycler

Traditional lamp recycling equipment doesn’t recycle LED lamps

Balcan LED1000 Lamp & Electronics Recycler

Since 2000, Balcan have been leading the lamp recycling industry, designing, developing and perfecting its own lamp recycling systems which are not only used by themselves but also many other businesses across the world.

In recent years, however, the lamp recycling industry has begun to experience a major shift from traditional CFLs and tubes towards LEDs since consumers and businesses are favouring the latter due to their integral properties and efficiency. Considering the percentage of LEDs in the waste stream is continually rising, recyclers are being required to adapt in order to keep business and profit viable.

That’s what makes the Balcan LED1000 is a revolutionary innovation; the world’s first true LED lamp recycler. Also capable of recycling electronics and small mixed WEEE, you can say goodbye to equipment that falls short when it comes to handling LED lamps. Whereas traditional systems such as the Balcan MP range can handle, but not recycle, LEDs, the Balcan LED1000 is specifically designed to specifically recycle LED lamps, while also allowing the post-processing of outputs from a traditional lamp recycling system.  

With this innovative approach, Balcan are able to generate more positive high value fractions (HVF), resulting in a higher rate of recycling of over 90%.

Revolutionise the lamp recycling industry and future proof your business with Balcan LED Lamp Recycling System.


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